Payment & delivery

A smooth shopping experience for instant outdoor fun

We want shopping for your outdoor gear to be as easy and enjoyable as actually using it. Multiple payment and delivery methods are a priority for us, and we always offer at least one free delivery option for purchases over €50, as well as free returns when you shop with us - for a seamless shopping experience.

Payment methods

Card payment



If you want to use PayPal as your payment method, choose PayPal in the checkout and fill in your personal information. When you've confirmed your order you will be redirected to PayPal.

If you don't already have an account, sign up quickly with just a few details. Add your bank account, debit card or credit card. Next time you can check out with an email and password or mobile number and PIN.

PayPal Help Centre.

Legal agreements for PayPal services.

Delivery methods

For purchases over €50, we always offer at least one free shipping option. Delivery methods beyond the free option and their costs vary depending on both the country you are shopping in and how you prefer to have your items delivered. For example, some postal carriers offer home delivery for an additional fee. You can view the different delivery methods available to you at checkout when you are ready to complete your purchase. If you only see one delivery option at the checkout, it means that only this particular parcel service is available in the area where you live.